Due to enthusiastic interest in the People Power Project, I have created two Daily Kos groups, one for each of the two phases in the project. Both are appropriate to Daily Kos because both promote more and better Democrats. I had originally intended to form a single group encompassing the entire project but it became quickly obvious that each of the two phases involved very different approaches to activism. Both, however, are highly solution-focused in that they will endeavor to provide specific, positive actions to achieve group goals.
The People Power Project Phase One focuses on politics at the local level and is very much about hands-on activism requiring at least a degree of personal involvement and commitment. The Daily Kos group representing Phase one is People Power Project Grassroots.
The People Power Project Phase Two is dedicated to promoting a progressive agenda in a nationwide campaign designed to shift all Democratic candidates to the progressive left. It was formulated to redress the glaring deficiencies, discrepancies and lack of unity in Democratic messaging; and to counteract corporate, Third Way Democrats. The Daily Kos group representing Phase Two is People Power Project National.