In a series of three diaries (Intro, Phase One, Phase Two), I advocated for people power, the power of we the people to influence change at all levels of politics in concrete and substantial ways. The third of those diaries, The People Power Project: Influencing Change Nationwide, proposes that People Power be supported by a super PAC, the People Power PAC, with a view to financing ads and generating press to establish a unified progressive platform nationwide while, at the same time, elbowing all Democratic candidates to the progressive left.
While contemplating ideas for ads for the People Power Project, I came up with the following, a delicious opportunity to expose the Republican Party's true intent. Clarification: This ad is intended to look like it really does come from the Republican Party.
To set the scene, imagine a Republican politician or voter faced with this ad in the sports pages of their newspaper, or scrolling down their television screen as a stentorian voice reads aloud these words...